Attn: Dog parents...
"Finally! How To Train Your Dog To Follow Your Every Word"
(So you DON'T have to spend months training them or pay thousands to professional trainers)
Have a calm and relaxed dog in ANY situation
Get your dog trained in just a few minutes per day
Keep your sanity!
From: Alex Gale
RE: Dog Training
Dear Dog Parent,
If you want to be able to control your dog in any given situation, impress everyone at the dog park with how well your pup behaves, or even if you just want to enjoy the company of your dog wherever you go, then this is the most important letter you'll read all year!
Here's why...
In today's post-pandemic world, there are so many new and inexperienced dog owners out there, you can't rely on other people to train their dogs as well as you train yours!
We have turned dogs from poorly behaved, reactive spooks to relaxed and obedient in just a few short weeks
“I've been training my dog in with Alex for a few weeks and I've seen amazing results. He is much more calm around new people in our house and I couldn't be happier with the support I received from Alex”